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As Women

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Hi friend!

I want to be transparent for a second and tell you that I am really tired. I feel like life has been a sprint lately. Do you ever have days that are so crazy, when your head hits the pillow at night, you can hardly even remember what you even did? Well, me too sister.

To be even more transparent… my thoughts and mind have been running so fast that I can’t quite pin point what I’m even thinking about or what emotions I am even carrying with those thoughts. I’m sure wherever you are– heavy loading with your full time job, trying to keep your head above water during the last bit of your college spring semester, pulling teeth trying to get your kids in the car for school, or just straight up riding the crazy train, I feel you. But let’s get off the crazy train together.

Last week, my sweet friend EC wrote to you about identity and where true identity is found. She shared how preciously held we are in the arms of our Father and how beautiful it is to know that we don’t have to be what the world tells us to be or find worth or value in the things that surround us everyday.

EC, you really got me thinking sister!

I was really taken back when I was reading about what God says my identity as His Daughter really means. I really began to wrestle and dig deeper into this identity that reigns so true. Yes, I believe wholeheartedly that the identity God has placed before us is so edifying and real, but I think for me, I struggle to carry myself in that identity every single day. We are told so often that “Jesus loves you”, and “God has created you with such great purpose”, but what does that specifically mean for me? What does that look like for us? You and I? Well I began to do a lot of self reflection.

As a woman of faith I think it can be very challenging to address a topic specifically on identity and womanhood. If I’m being honest, it’s a conversation I don’t think churches have enough. I think we live in a culture where femininity has to look a certain way and if you don’t align with a version of “sit still, look pretty”, you’re overstepping, doing too much, or not trying enough. I think there are assumptions and expectations we put on ourselves and other women that God never intended for us to fight against. I think there is such a prevalent stereotype for women of faith that we are becoming so exhausted from trying to do ministry in a way that isn’t fully embracing God’s gifts inside of us.

Now I acknowledge you may not feel this way and that’s ok. Praise God!

But I want to speak to the one that is tired, who is struggling to find her footing in speaking boldly about God’s love, who is terrified of backlash or resentment, or maybe the woman who has been constantly beaten down by whatever cultural expectations are on her shoulders. Sister you’re not alone.

You’re actually so insanely awesome and I’m so proud of you.

Did you know that God actually chose several women to make some pretty reckless and bold acts of faith?

The Birth of Jesus? Done through a virgin woman, Mary.

Deborah? She was a normal woman who stepped out in boldness, becoming a prophetess and a judge. She chose to be obedient to God and brought thousands out of oppression.

Ruth? A humble widow who remained faithful and loyal to God and the people she loved, so she remained in Gods favor and was blessed with protection and honor.

There are just so many more stories of women in the bible God had such specific intentions for that not only brought them honor and praise, but their willingness, obedience, and zeal brought total glory to God. Don't worry, I'll list some more stories I encourage you to read about and study deeper at the end!

Women in the bible were powerful. During Jesus’ days and all throughout history we see that women had no authority, had very little value, or place within society unless they were accompanied by their husband or a male figure. A woman's worth, opportunity, hope, and value was solely dependent on man. However, they were some of the most pivotal image bearers of Christ. Now I’m not here to rehash history and point fingers by any means, that simply won’t speak volume into our identity as women. Rather I want to focus on how important, special, miraculous, unique, precious, powerful, and incredibly beautiful the stories of women Jesus did life very closely with are, so that we can recognize and gain understanding of how we are called to live as women.

Something I want to focus in on is that there is no cookie cutter version of how a woman is to do ministry, or look when she is choosing to walk in faith. Something I wish I realized sooner is that living a life of faith is messy. Our lives are too short to try and make everything look picture perfect and unrelatable. I also want to emphasize that not everyone's approach to living out the Good News looks the same, and it shouldn't.

Some women are lowly in nature, gentleness is a reflex and patience is their strong suite. Some women are assertive, confident, and bold in their proclamations.

And some women are epic nurturers, hospitable and sacrificial. There are so many more unique ways God created women. Where I think we get trapped is when we are listening to the skewed voices of culture telling us we should be living a certain way. But sister let me tell you, if it doesn't say it in scripture, it's not worth our time. So, I guess the next question is... what does scripture say about our identity?

Romans 12:9-12 says, “Let love be genuine. Rid of what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”

This verse calls us to set our gaze on Christ's love. To pray constantly and be renewed by His grace. We are called to love others and honor them as God's children.

Luke 1:45 says, "And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

This verse calls women to anticipate and believe that God is sovereign and His power will overcome the world. Just as Mary trusted God would fulfill His promise of a Savior.

There are countless verses that point us to God's faithfulness in our obedience to Him. And that is the call of a woman. That is the call of humankind. Faithfulness to our Father.

When we live a life marked by faith, we grow in courage, strength, dignity, grace, humility, endurance, boldness, zeal, love, empathy, gentleness, and the fullness of God's design for your life.

When we choose to be empowered by what God's purpose has for YOU, we bring light to the darkness around us. When we choose to embrace the Love we have been so freely given, hearts begin to move and Heaven begins to celebrate.

Sister, you were designed so uniquely by God to do big things. Your big things won't look like the girl next to you, don't waste time trying to live a story that isn't yours. Pray that God would lead you where you are going. Ask Him to do something that requires your faith to be crazy! Ask Him for boldness to take a step forward. See what happens! But I'll warn you, you will be in way over your head. But trust me you're in the best hands.

Together, let's rest. Let's rest assured that our identity as women is so valuable and unique to every individual. Let's rid our hearts and minds of all cultural expectations that weight so heavy on us. Let's dance, hand in hand, spinning around, praising the One who calls us "Daughter".

We are His girls! Let's start acting like it!

Dear Father,

Thank You for creating us with such preciousness and great purpose. Thank You for my friend reading this. I ask that You would show up in every moment of her days, and she would see Your hand in her life, even in the simplest of ways. I ask that You would give us the strength and endurance to not grow complacent to our purpose, but that we would be empowered to go out and spread the Love you so freely give. You are a good Father. We love you so so much.


Scripture reference and Devo Idea: choose a scripture and read the chapter it is in to get more context of the verse. We always recommend Enduring Word commentary to get a deeper understanding!

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

John 20:11-18

Esther 2

Ruth 1

Exodus 2:4-8

Judges 4:8-9

Luke 10:39-42

These are just a few stories of awe inspiring women in the bible. I encourage you to read about them, put yourself in their shoes, and be encouraged by their faithfulness and love to the Father.

Write to:

A Letter To You

139 Oaklawn Drive

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

Text @withlovex to 81010 to let us know how we can pray for you and cheer you on!

As always we would love to hear from you any thoughts, stories, or dreams! On your team and in YOUR corner! Love you friend!



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