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“Do what makes your heart dance and lights your soul on fire.”

This felt profound. Maia told me this on the phone a few months ago as we were talking about some dreams and goals both of us were thinking and praying through. We were both in different stages of dreaming about different things that had been on our hearts. She was telling me of little answered prayers she had been walking in and let me in on some beautiful dreams she was having for the near future.

In making any decision or taking any sort of risk, I like to weigh most of the hypotheticals. Checking to see if any of my hesitancies are worth directing me away or towards where I want to go, I begin to lose sight of Gods command and start to focus on the “what if’s” of my understanding of the future. In Proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6, it says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” As life has continued and I’ve learned a few things, I’ve had to learn the difference between letting my fears and expectations guide me vs. letting God’s promises be the leading factor of my choices.

When it comes to dreaming, I think God delights in what we can think up. I think even in our limited creative capacities and God’s omniscience, He still loves and appreciates what we come up with. As I’ve taken a bit more risks and experienced the great beauty in the unknown, I’ve learned how special and sweet the “yes’s and amen’s” are. I’ve learned that when I allow my dreams to be done alongside the One who gave me the ability to dream, my passions grow, my heart does a dance, and my soul lights up.

We all have dreams. You may not know what yours are and that’s ok. Chances are, you may just have something blurring your vision a little. Maybe a job, a hard situation, the past, busyness, the list is endless. But if you’re tired of the mundane, feeling caught in a routine that feels dull, take a second.

First, remind yourself of your God-gifted purpose: to GO in Love and tell about Love (Mark 16:15). Second, think of what makes you feel alive. What makes your heart tingle a little? What makes you feel love, desire, and eagerness to serve in your God given purpose? Where do you learn, grow and stretch your perspective some? How can you use your passions and gifts to love your neighbor? And if you still feel lost or stuck, ask God “what am I good at? How can I serve and love the people around me with the abilities you have given me?”. You’re not having an identity crisis by asking that, I promise. You’re just asking for a little more insight into what God knows, sees, and created in you.

My friend, dream big! Dream big and GO! You were made to GO! There are no dreams that are too small or too far out of reach when you go in obedience and willingness to further share Love to everyone around you. The best God has for you is yours, not what it looks like everyone else has. Dream YOUR dreams, pray YOUR prayers, and GO! Go live in freedom that you are not bound to your past. Go teach others about the Love of Jesus. Go tell others of your beautiful, messy story of redemption. Go love wholeheartedly. And go dream BIG dreams!

Wherever you go, don’t let fear in the drivers seat. Fear is a liar and his friend, doubt, is a deceiver. If you’re looking for reassurance or a sign to do what you’ve been afraid to do, consider this your sign.

Say a prayer and go! Go do what makes your heart dance! What if it works out? What if it’s better than what you thought it could be? What if it’s exactly what you need? WHAT IF YOU JUST GO?

Let me be clear, going does not mean that it will all turn out perfect. It may not even be what you expected at all, but I wholeheartedly believe God delights when we try. When we try to go after things on our hearts to make the world a better place with Him. And the most beautiful part is when we try with Him, even if we fail, He will teach us something in the process. Whether it is a desire shift, more of an understanding of Him, deepening our relationship with others, the possibilities are endless.

As always, I’m rooting for you. Boldness and courage does not come easy to me. Saying “ok God, it’s all You” is not always my first instinct. But it’s better. Just trust me on that one! You were made on purpose, you were made for more, and you were made to GO! Now is the time! Today is the day! Don't miss the moments you were made for!

Scripture for encouragement:

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel.

For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.

The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.

make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

With love always,


Write to:

A Letter To You

139 Oaklawn Drive

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

AND text @withlovex to 81010 to let us know how we can pray for you and cheer you on!

As always we would love to hear from you any thoughts, stories, or dreams! Let us know what your dreams are and how we can love and support you in them! We are on your team and in YOUR corner! Love you friend!

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